Written by: Kaitlin Bednarz M.S. CCC-SLP

High-five! Fist bump! These are two examples of social gestures used between two people. A gesture is defined as a movement of the body used to express meaning. Imitating and using gestures is a very important skill for language development and social communication. Motor imitation of gestures typically develops prior to verbal language and allows a child to communicate wants and desires.
Here are some communicative gestures to look for and practice with your child:
Reaching: Reaching hands to be picked up or reaching towards desired items.
Shaking head yes/no: Your child can communicate approval/disapproval with his/her environment.
Clapping in excitement: Shows your child is excited and happy!
Waving: Waving hello/goodbye for social interactions.
Blowing a kiss: Often used when saying goodbye to a loved one.
Pointing: Pointing is used to request for items, gain your attention, and show you something in the environment.
High five/fist bump: Used to celebrate and interact socially with others.
Sign language: Functional signs include “more”, “eat”, “drink”, etc.
Song/game routines: Using fingers in “5 Little Monkeys”, imitating movements during “Wheels on the Bus”, “peek-a-boo”, and “patty cake” motions.
Let’s give a big round of applause to learning and using gestures! You can model these gestures at home to help your child develop communication to gain access to needs/wants and to engage with others!